Written by Moona Islam, Complex Needs and Dysphagia Speech and Language Therapist
Are you eager to get Speech and Language Therapy help for your child? Are you faced with long waiting times, reduced therapy sessions or limited access to your Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) due to the overwhelming demands placed on our beloved NHS?
“In a recent survey of Speech and Language Therapy services in London it was found that waiting times ranged from between 12 to 28 weeks for assessment and between 12 weeks and 1 year for intervention.” Birkbeck, University of Bloomsbury, London, England.
Early intervention can change a child’s developmental path and improve outcomes for children, families, and communities.
It is very common for parents to wait and see if their child will begin to talk, sometimes as late as 3 or 4 years of age. The first 2 years of life is noted to be critical for adapting and learning, (Johnston, 2009). Intervention is effective at any point during childhood, adolescence of adulthood, but like most things, the earlier the better.
Children’s speech and language skills are key to their ability to read, write, their numeracy skills, problem-solving and social communication. It is widely researched and documented that early vocabulary acquisition is also strongly associated with a child’s success in school and entry into the workforce. Early intervention can help performance on standardised tests, school achievement, higher education and employment opportunities.
As an ex-NHS Speech and Language Therapist who has been raised, trained and worked in London, I understand how frustrating and anxious it is to wait to receive help. It is frustrating for us therapists too, who want to do so much more but restricted. This is part of the reason why I co-founded TeleHope Speech Therapy with my partner Beatrice Teo. TeleHope now successfully serves South East Asia, Australia and the United Kingdom.
We have a network of experienced and qualified Speech and Language Therapists that can provide immediate online support with NO waiting times. Our therapists based in the UK are registered with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC) and/or Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT).
I love the world of Speech and Language Therapy and I am on a mission to help as many people access it! I am proud to serve alongside the NHS in London and the United Kingdom and help thousands more families through our specialist online speech therapy platform: TeleHope!
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